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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Links for CHS Students, and a Great Start!

Thanks to everyone who's posted already, we're off to a great start!
I still need to check out the links from Germseed's and Terri's post, I'll comment on them soon--internet access is dodgy at my place so it may be tomorrow.
In the meantime, the CHS class met for the first time yesterday--it's a great group of students and should be an exciting class! I'm posting/reposting a few links that the students there may find particularly helpful:
  • HERE are two passages from the Roman historian Livy, which are the inspirations for two of the Jacques-Louis David paintings in the current reading, The Oath of the Horatii (p. 9 of the reader--this painting is in the museum in Toledo, OH by the way) and The Intervention of the Sabine Women (p. 23). They're pretty brutal. This is assigned reading for CHS students. Colour & larger resolution images are in the PDF version of the reader and on wikipedia.
  • A TIMELINE of the French Revolution, dug up by Germseed. There was a coup d'etat nearly every year, so this will be very handy. (This covers the lead-up to the revolution, click at the bottom and it continues for the whole thing)
  • A GLOSSARY of terms & symbols of the French Revolution, found for us by Imogene Engine. The texts in the reader haven't been annotated (yet!), so this will be helpful to refer to as you move through the text--even after the Revolution, people keep referring to its symbols and terminology throughout the entire 19th century.
Again, it's really exciting to see so many avenues opened up in the first couple days of the project, thanks!
And don't forget to check the comments to posts too--both of the links above were suggested in comments, and Imogene has a great collection of links on feminism during the Revolution.
Vive le Révolution!

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