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Sunday, September 9, 2012

TWO POEMS BASED ON BYRON'S PASSAGES IN THE LIBERTÉ TEXTBOOK Olvido de Byron “For in it lurks...”, Lord Byron, The Giaour, 1813 nod focused lint on cliff he belts the scorned bloody hand the truly apeish smell invisible to all but him scurrilous nape dancing with lice’s grave flash of’s unearthly wave’s my ass pyration cornered in the much of times the glancer f lopping in my trousers ah nameless spell !the gazer slept unspeakable and claims the bird the sock puppet met alone ,your pale lip blister ghastly quivers !yr swallowed birth dou bles in that spitting doom yr dribbling features vulgar in the wading gloom ¡Quítate los lentes! - Ramón López Velarde olvido de Lara lumpy ,his name forgot ,dan dled ashes on’s pate while the others prate their hidden lot gated with a smoky door his silence blears against the walking world’s hot mud his mirror his fleshly worm clogged those thrashing hoses on his path bedecked with stopsigns ,ladders ,c loud giggling of that secret glass that blood passed outside what oval time did start a swarm of gnats bedecked his skull a separate head rotting off’s offending throne “His madness was...sought...” -Lord Byron, Lara, 1814


  1. Aaaagh! The blog system screwed up, made disappear, the line breaks!! Quel Horreur!

  2. i still like it, it has a strange compacted claustrophobia

  3. Thank John! If you email me a pdf of the formatted poem, I can make a direct link to it and post it here.

    "a swarm of gnats bedecked his skull"

    1. There is an appealing thickness to the compacted version, yes............... but I will send the word docs of the 2 poems, maybe you can run those too
